
Letters: Immigration reform isn’t amnesty

Re “Immigrant enclave isn’t pro-amnesty,” Aug. 31

Despite his immigrant-heavy district, The Times’ article says, Rep. Ed Royce’s (R-Fullerton) opposition to “amnesty” does not necessarily place him out of sync with his constituents.

Indeed, few are clamoring for amnesty. But I believe the vast majority are eager for reforms to our immigration laws that include a significant increase in border security, improvements to our backlogged visa system and a process by which most undocumented immigrants could pay fines and then earn the chance to eventually embrace the responsibilities of citizenship — a far cry from amnesty.

As a pastor within his district, I hope Royce knows that support for such policies comes not only from Latino and Asian voters but from evangelical Christians of every ethnicity, who are praying that God will grant him the wisdom and courage to find solutions to the dysfunction of our current immigration system.


Skip Lanfried

Yorba Linda

Royce protected the rights of undocumented victims of domestic violence when he voted for reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. If immigrant women have the same rights as other American women under this law, why don’t the Dreamers have the same rights as other American students?

Ida MacMurray

La Habra


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