
Letters: Drawing an L.A. line in chalk

Re “Chalk protests draw a defiant new line,” July 14

I’m sureOccupy L.A.members would agree that the monthly downtown ArtWalk, as intended, brings the community together. But their chalk “art” contrasts with the event’s spirit of positivism and unity.

I support healthy protest. However, it becomes unhealthy and ineffective when the law is disobeyed, community gatherings are disrupted and a mess is left behind.


Next time, Occupy L.A. organizers should hand out brooms and Windex instead of chalk. Then, perhaps, for the first time they will leave a site in better condition than when they arrived.

Daniel A. Cowell


As a mother, I used soap and water to clean up after children who used chalk to write on walls, fences and sidewalks. It was never a police issue. How can grown men make such a silly decision as painting over chalk instead of just washing it off?

Anita Segalman



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