
Letters: Saving California

Re “Blazing a trail for tax hike,” Column, May 16

I applaud Gov. Jerry Brown and civil rights attorney Molly Munger for their spirit in pushing tax initiatives to close the budget gap. However, the problem of spending more than we take in may be systemic.

Either tax proposal on the ballot may have unintended consequences. High-income earners are mobile, and companies will ultimately seek the cheapest place to do business. More jobs and those that create them may move, further exacerbating the revenue problem.


We should consider less volatile sources of revenue. Should we revisit the wisdom of Proposition 13? Should we consider more efficient ways to deliver services?

How is it that we continuously struggle to make wise investments in our future? Let’s stop the partisanship and do what’s right for our state for the long term.

Roland Siegl

San Clemente


Letters: Gay rights as civil rights


Letters: Going after tax refugees

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