
Letters: Enrollment at UC and CSU

Re “Fewer in state enter CSU, UC campuses,” May 10

When I started teaching high school in California 30 years ago, I thought my students had it pretty good. Now I feel sorry for students. They’re pushed and tested, spending days of the high school year taking so many exams, most of which have no significance for them personally.

They’re cajoled and threatened that they must go to college, even if it means taking on big debt. And now we’re refusing to accommodate our own California residents, increasingly favoring out-of-state students because they pay more.


And how ironic that the L.A. Unified School District will now force every single student to pass the college-required curriculum. Where will these new graduates be able to enroll in college?

Cheryl Clark

Long Beach

It’s for sure that this revelation about declining college enrollment rates in the California State University and University of California systems can’t be blamed on public school teachers. What have No Child Left Behind, “value-added” teacher evaluations and this testing frenzy added to our education system? Declining state university enrollment rates and consultants getting rich off California taxpayers.

I didn’t realize that the result wouldn’t be more educated children but rather that some would pickpocket the system and get rich. And the saps in California fell for it.


Chet Chebegia

Long Beach


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