
Letters: College? Yes!

Re “College not always cost-effective,” Business, May 9

In reporting on the Brookings Institution study, “Should Everyone go to College?,” The Times highlights the statistic that “a surprising 14%” of high school graduates earn more than college graduates. The converse is more compelling: that 86% of college graduates have earnings equal to or exceeding those of high school graduates.

Of course, college graduates with some majors — for example in science, engineering and technology — may earn more than graduates from other majors. But majors are not chosen strictly for financial return on investment. And on average, all college graduates earn more over their lifetimes than adults with only a high school degree.


I encourage students and parents to actually read the Bookings report, which is 180 degrees from this article’s perspective. Though every student may not be right for every college, every student should understand the available options and the future consequences.

Devorah Lieberman

La Verne

The writer is president of the University of La Verne.

You left out one very important aspect of college — it teaches you to think. Hard to translate that to dollars.

Marc Scott

Los Angeles


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