
Trayvon Martin in video before confrontation with George Zimmerman

At first glance, it’s unremarkable video of a teenager in a hoodie buying candy and something to drink.

But when the teenager is 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the video becomes something else completely.

Florida prosecutors have released details of their evidence against neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who is charged with second-degree murder for shooting Martin to death on a rainy night in February.


Mark O’Mara, Zimmerman’s attorney, told the Orlando Sentinel that 67 compact discs of evidence had been turned over by prosecutors last week. The evidence includes audio recordings and witness statements, cellphone records for Zimmerman and Martin, and crime scene photos.

Also included was a short piece of video showing Martin at the 7-Eleven where he bought the Skittles and iced tea found on his body after Zimmerman killed him. Zimmerman claims it was self-defense.

As far as evidence goes, the video is fairly inconsequential to the prosecution. But it captures some of the final moments of Martin’s life before he became a national figure and a cause celebre. He’s just another teenager lingering at the counter, paying for his stuff, wearing a hoodie with the hood up on a rainy night.

