
Skelton: Lawmakers break Sacramento’s gridlock

Democratic Assembly members, from left, Anthony Rendon of Lakewood, Ian Calderon of Whittier, Rob Bonta of Alameda and Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles, huddle during the Assembly session at the Capitol on Wednesday.
Democratic Assembly members, from left, Anthony Rendon of Lakewood, Ian Calderon of Whittier, Rob Bonta of Alameda and Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles, huddle during the Assembly session at the Capitol on Wednesday.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)

When lawmakers finished their work just after midnight on Friday morning, they had passed a full slate of significant legislation.

Among the measures waiting for Gov. Jerry Brown’s signature are an increase to the minimum wage, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants and streamlined environmental regulations.

All in all, the session showed that gridlock in Sacramento has faded, wrote George Skelton in his Monday column.


“Watching the lawmakers, you don’t cringe nearly as much,” he writes. “They’re actually getting things done in the state Capitol. You can set aside that old label ‘dysfunctional.’”

One example of the Legislature’s pragmatic streak is Sen. Fran Pavley’s handling of a bill with new fracking regulations. She was opposed by environmentalists and business groups, but Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) thought it was important to push through a moderate measure that would receive the governor’s support.

“Incrementalism works,” Skelton writes. “Incremental reforms have led to incremental progress.”


All of Skelton’s columns are here.


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