
This bright orange ant is actually a jumping spider recently found in Orange County

In the world of spiders, sometimes the unexpected discoveries can be the most rewarding.

Cody Raiza went to Laguna Coast Wilderness Park last month in search of a particular type of spider.

The UC Berkeley biology student did not find what she was looking for, but the trip was hardly a waste.

Raiza’s goal was finding spiders in the genus Habronattus — jumping spiders.

She had become intrigued with spiders while in Fullerton College professor Lenny Vincent’s class and decided to focus her current research on them. Professors at San Diego State recommended Laguna Coast Wilderness Park to Raiza and Vincent, so the two decided to venture out.


Raiza said she was walking on a dirt trail in the park when a lizard scampered in front of her.

She noticed some dead leaves on the ground and thought it would be a good spot to look for the desired spider. As Raiza moved leaves, a “bright orange” creature caught her eye.

“It was running around, and I tried to catch it real fast,” Raiza said. “I was surprised a jumping spider looks like an ant.”


Raiza met Vincent on another part of the trail, and they sifted through occasional patches of dead leaves. They found several of the orange critters along with one ant species that the spider mimics.

To the untrained eye, the spiders resemble ants because of their similar size, color and shape.

Neither Raiza nor Vincent could immediately identify the spiders while on the trail. Vincent took the arachnids home to take photos and do some investigation of his own.


He sent the pictures to two spider specialists, including David Richman, retired professor of entomology at New Mexico State University and curator emeritus of the Arthropod Museum.

Richman said the spider was undescribed, meaning the species has not been named in published literature.

It is likely that the spiders evolved to look and act like ants to deter predators, Richman said.

“Most birds find ants distasteful,” Richman said. “Some ants will sting.”

[email protected]

Alderton writes for Times Community News
