
For the record - May 16, 2012

James Franco: In the May 14 Calendar section, an article about James Franco and the “Rebel” exhibition at Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Art said that filmmaker Harmony Korine shot a six-minute video for the show featuring real girl gangs on BMX bikes with machetes. Only two women in the video were gang members; the rest were actresses.

Melissa Chan: An article in the May 14 LATExtra section about Al Jazeera English correspondent Melissa Chan’s expulsion from China quoted the journalist as saying that her report on black jails in China was “probably the first” to get coverage on TV. This was in reference to her first black jails piece in 2009, not her recent follow-up in March 2012. The article also said that Chan was stuck in Hong Kong for all of April, unable to cover the story of blind dissident Chen Guangcheng. In fact, she was in Beijing during this period, but was unable to cover the story because her press credentials were revoked.

Gasoline prices: An article in the May 8 Business section about gasoline prices said the closure of two fuel refineries and the temporary closure of four other refineries in California had left the state with about 4.46 million gallons of gasoline as of April 27, compared with about 6.61 million gallons a year earlier, according to the California Energy Commission’s Weekly Fuels Watch Report. In fact, the report gave the measurement in barrels, not gallons.
