
For the record - Feb. 26, 2012

Billy Strange: In the Feb. 24 LATExtra section, the obituary of musician Billy Strange identified two survivors, Josh and Jonmark, as his children. Josh Shipley is his stepson, and Jonmark Stone was his best friend.

Mark Salzman: In the Arts & Books section in the Feb. 26 edition, an article about author Mark Salzman said that his most recent book, “The Man in the Empty Boat,” grew out of a performance piece he developed for Idaho’s Squaw Valley Writers conference. The correct name is the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference.

Family doctors: An article in the Feb. 19 California section about how medical schools are responding to a shortage of primary care physicians misidentified an association of medical schools, teaching hospitals and health systems. It is the Assn. of American Medical Colleges, not the American Academy of Medical Colleges.
