
For the Record - Sept. 6, 2017

Hot Property: In the Sept. 2 Hot Property section, a caption with a brief news item about a newly built mansion referred to the site as being the onetime home of late actress Della Reese. She is still living.

Lakers fined: In the Sept. 1 Sports section, an article about the NBA fining the Lakers for improper contact with player Paul George referred to a tampering fine imposed in 2000 on the Minnesota Timberwolves but omitted the first name of the player involved. It was Joe Smith.

Dinosaur artist: In the Sept. 3 Arts & Books section, a caption with an article about a book comparing renderings of dinosaurs misidentified the artist who created the 1943 work “Study for the Age of Reptiles.” His name was Rudolph Zallinger, not Callinger.


Royal baby: In the Sept. 5 Section A, a photo caption with an article about Prince William and wife Kate expecting their third child listed their son’s name as William. It is George.

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