
For the record - Jan. 16, 2013

Leon Leyson: In the Jan. 14 LATExtra section, the obituary of Holocaust survivor Leon Leyson said that he was the youngest member of Schindler’s List, the group of 1,100 Jews saved from the Nazis by German industrialist Oskar Schindler. Definitive records are unavailable in many cases, but contemporaries and Chapman University Holocaust expert Marilyn Harran consider him one of the youngest.

Palestinian tents: An article in the Jan. 14 Section A about a police raid on a tent village set up by Palestinian activists on land that Israel has designated as the site of a new settlement said that the tents were removed. The activists were evicted, but the tents were left standing pending a court appeal.

L.A. tourism: An article in the Jan. 15 Business section about the record number of visitors to Los Angeles in 2012 said that 339,000 Chinese tourists visited the city last year. In fact, 339,000 is the number of Chinese visitors to L.A. in 2011. The number for 2012 was 459,000.


Jane Yolen: A review of Jane Yolen’s book “Curse of the Thirteenth Fey” in the Dec. 30 Arts & Books section said that Yolen has won the Caldecott medal. Her book “Owl Moon” did win a Caldecott, but it was for the illustrations by John Schoenherr.

Austin Wintory: In the Jan. 8 Calendar section, a photo of composer Austin Wintory that accompanied a story about his Grammy nomination for a video game score was credited to Costa Communications Inc. The photo should have been credited to Lisa Margolis.

State budget: In the Jan. 15 LATExtra section, an article about the state budget misspelled the last name of Assemblyman Jeff Gorell (R-Camarillo) as Gorrell.


T.S. Cook: A brief obituary of screenwriter T.S. Cook in the Jan. 15 LATExtra section said that Denison University is in Iowa. It is in Ohio.

Madonna’s property: A Hot Property item in the Jan. 13 Business section about Madonna putting her mansion in Beverly Hills up for sale said that the estate was 1.17 acres. The property was listed as 1.17 acres in the Multiple Listing Service, but that did not include additional land that was purchased separately, bringing the total to 1.25 acres.
