
L.A. riots by the numbers

L.A. riots by the numbers

This March 3, 1991, image taken from video shows the Rodney King beating. (AP Photo/Courtesy of KTLA Los Angeles) (George Holliday)
This March 3, 1991, image taken from video shows the Rodney King beating. (AP Photo/Courtesy of KTLA Los Angeles) (George Holliday)
(George Holliday)

On April 29, 1992, a jury in Ven­tura County ac­quit­ted four LAPD of­ficers in the beating of Rod­ney G. King. The beating, caught on am­a­teur video­tape, sparked a na­tion­al de­bate about po­lice bru­tal­ity and ra­cial in­justice. After the verdict, angry crowds gathered on street corners across Los Angeles.

The city burns

In the aftermath of the riots, city officials tallied more than 1,000 damaged properties. This map shows sites in central and south L.A. that were hit the hardest, including buildings that were at least half damaged or deemed unsafe, according to city records.

Deaths during the riots

More than 60 people lost their lives amid the looting and fires that ravaged the city over five days starting April 29, 1992. Ten were shot to death by law enforcement officials. An additional 44 people died in other homicides or incidents tied to the rioting. By year’s end, Los Angeles had 1,096 homicides, a record.

A changing police force

The demographics of the Los Angeles Police Department have changed dramatically over the last decades. The agency has been transformed from a predominantly white institution into one that closely mirrors the city’s demographics.

Racial makeup of LAPD versus the city

Los Angeles in flux

The city’s demographics have also changed. An expanding Latino population has displaced African Americans from their historic center in South Los Angeles.

Produced by Kyle Kim and Thomas Suh Lauder

Additional reporting by Maloy Moore, Angel Jennings, Emily Alpert Reyes

Sources: Census Bureau, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, ESRI, Minnesota Population Center, Times reporting
