
Geraldo Rivera’s semi-nude selfie costs him a speaking gig

Geraldo Rivera’s semi-nude selfie, which he tweeted in July, has come back to cost him a college speaking engagement. And the Fox News personality isn’t pleased about it.

Rivera was expected to participate in a panel discussion about the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination at Duquesne University in October, but according to the news host, his participation in the event was canceled by the university.

On Friday, Rivera tweeted, “Just heard Duquesne Univ cancelled my appearance at JFK assassination panel because of ‘selfie’. Fact I first aired Zapruder film less impt.”


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A spokesperson for the Catholic university located in Pittsburgh told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Rivera’s semi-nude tweet was “inappropriate and inconsistent” with the school’s religious values.

Rivera’s photo, which has since been deleted, showed the 70-year-old newsman in a towel, showing off his body. He captioned it “70 is the new 50.” He later blamed the lapse in good judgment on a few drinks of tequila.


Rivera was still steamed about the cancellation on Monday, writing that the university’s move was “pretentious censorship.”


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