
Tips for avoiding rhabdomyolysis

Rhabdomyolysis caused by overexertion can lead to serious medical problems, including kidney damage. The condition and its complications can be prevented by taking these precautions:

• When performing repetitions of strength-training exercises, build up slowly over several days and weeks.

• Go especially slow when building up repetitions of eccentric, or muscle-lengthening, exercises.


• Avoid overexertion in hot weather.

• Stay hydrated when performing strength exercises, just as with aerobic workouts. Sports drinks are best.

• People with sickle cell trait should use extra caution, as they are more prone to rhabdomyolysis.

• Go to an emergency room if you have darkened, tea-colored urine in addition to other symptoms, such as extreme pain and swelling of the limbs.


• Don’t try to stretch to relieve the discomfort. Stretching may make the condition worse.

-- Shari Roan
