
Live chat: Get a full-body workout with challenging resistance training at home

Joining a gym isn't the only way to stay in shape. Learn the tricks of functional resistance exercises you can do at home in a live Web chat with top trainer Mike Donavanik on Jan. 31 at 11 a.m. PST, 1 p.m. CST or 2 p.m. EST.

Mike is a Beverly Hills-based certified strength and conditioning specialist who has been featured in Town & Country magazine and on ABC, Bravo and CBS radio. He'll give tips on fun, challenging workouts that need little or no equipment, and will offer advice on working those exercises into a fast, efficient circuit. Mike will also answer your questions on training specifics such as maintaining proper form and mixing up routines to get a full-body workout.

Can't make the chat? E-mail questions in advance to [email protected].

Photo credit: Paul Gregory