
Editor’s picks: Taking fun out of conception

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Health section editor

Today’s news: Taking the fun out of conception | Careful with that nail gun | Old dads hang in there | Plastic baby bottles are so last year | Plastic baby bottles are so last year | Watching athletes’ every move


Taking the fun out of conception

Sperm made from human bone marrow (BBC News)

Scientists say they have successfully made immature sperm cells from human bone marrow samples.



Careful with that nail gun

Nail Gun Injuries Surge (ABC News)

The number of weekend warriors treated for nail gun injuries in American emergency rooms has more than tripled over the past 16 years - a rise mirrored in the increasing availability of nail guns to the average consumer.


Old dads hang in there

He’s Not My Grandpa. He’s My Dad. (New York Times)


SODs (start-over dads) remain a pretty consistent bunch. Generally they are affluent professionals, who can afford new children during their golden years. They usually want to oblige the maternal instincts of a younger wife, or they hope that new children will help give them new life. They also remain a determinedly tiny minority.


Plastic baby bottles are so last year

Glass baby bottles making comeback (San Francisco Chronicle)

Glass baby bottles, replaced decades ago by unbreakable plastic, are making such a comeback that parents can’t get their hands on them.



Watching athletes’ every move

Tracking athletic talent from every angle (Christian Science Monitor)

College sports teams now use complex and pricey computer video systems to help learn opponents’ weaknesses and overcome their own.
