
The 17 scariest airplane moments of 2017

The Daily Meal

Flying can be terrifying. The potential for accidents or mishaps is always present, although they’re rare when compared to automobile accidents. From airplane food to the reason why cabin lights are dimmed, nearly every aspect of air travel has the potential to freak you out. Therefore, it can be doubly upsetting when something actually does go wrong on board.

Click here for the 17 Scariest Airplane Moments of 2017 gallery.

Over the past year, there were many scary moments on board various flights around the world. Most were handled with far more grace and care by their respective airlines than the various controversies this year, but perhaps it’s because life and death situations tend to bring people together. Air safety is important, and these situations have brought quite a few issues to the attention of both the public and the air officials in charge of fixing them. We’re hoping 2018 will have fewer moments like these, but just so you’re aware, here are the 17 scariest moments in aviation of 2017.


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