
Instant Pot helps mom lose 103 pounds

The Daily Meal

Brittany Williams is a wife, mother, and lover of food. She always has been - but she hasn’t always been happy with her body. “I was an emotional eater, a bored eater, a TV eater, a binge eater; food controlled me,” she wrote in a blog post. “By the time I met my husband in my 20s I was over 200 lbs.”

Brittany had tried everything to lose weight - but nothing worked. “I tried diet pills, pre-made, pre-packaged weight loss food, slim fast, nutrisystem, starving, working out, nothing lasted, nothing worked,” she explained. “I began to lose hope. I started to feel resigned, like maybe my body was supposed to be big.”

“I was desperate to be skinny,” she confessed. So in January of this year, she decided to embark on a dedicated, regimented weight loss journey. She cut out all processed food, quit going out to eat for good, made a long list of diet rules (detailed here) - and her husband bought her an Instant Pot.

At first, she hated the clunky machine. But then, she cooked some brown rice and discovered what seemed obvious: The instant pot made healthy cooking so much easier.


Brittany gave herself a challenge. She would cook dinner every single night for a year. With her instant pot, it seemed possible.

“There are nights I don’t start cooking dinner till 6 pm because I lose track of time or we don’t get home till late,” she wrote, “nights that I used to pull out a frozen pizza or have my husband grab dinner on his way home from work. My Instant Pot has eliminated those nights. I can throw a few things in the pot and have dinner on the table in under a half hour.”

Using whole foods and home-cooked meals, Brittany has lost a total of 103 pounds since January.


At her October weigh-in, she saw the scale go back up for the first time since her journey began - but she’s determined to stick to a healthy holiday meal plan filled with simple, healthy holiday recipes.
