
Future Farmers of America elects first black female president

The Daily Meal

The Future Farmers of America elected new officials at the organization’s national convention in Indianapolis on October 28th, including Breanna Holbert, who will serve as the first African-American female president in the National FFA Organization’s 90-year history. The California State University-Chico agriculture major served as secretary of the California FFA two years prior.

“It was totally unexpected, but I feel like this journey feels right,” Holbert told the CSU Chico press office. “I know my teammates and I have personalities, strengths and actions that will make a positive difference in the lives of thousands just by being who we are.”

Holbert thanked her “family, friends, advisors, and mentors” in a heartfelt Instagram post on October 29 that pictured her alongside her fellow newly elected FFA officers.

Advertisement National FFA Organization is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. The organization was founded in 1928 as Future Farmers of America, but the name was updated in 1988 to be more inclusive of other career paths in agriculture, such as chemistry, biology, veterinary medicine, engineering, and entrepreneurship.

Fred McClure, the first African-American to serve as a national FFA officer, was elected in 1974. Corey Flournoy became the first black president of the national organization in 1994. Jan Eberly became the organization’s first female president in 1982.

Holbert hopes to support and inspire her fellow future farmers over the next year as the face of the youth agriculture in America. You can support some of the current farmers of America by paying them a visit at one of America’s 101 best farmers markets.
