
Twitter #Weekendeats highlights: The breakfast club

Some people are firm believers that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why limit breakfast to just the morning? Sometimes you get the hankering for a waffle after 6 p.m., and who’s to tell you you can’t have it? This weekend our Monday #weekendeats chat participants took the time to indulge in a proper breakfast. Here are the highlights:

On the savory side, Jessica Soo shared a photo of her breakfast quesadilla with roasted poblano salsa and Greg K had pork belly and eggs on a cornmeal waffle and Susan Orlins shared a recipe for Mark Bittman’s corn pancakes.

For pancake lovers, Brooks Walker of the blog shared a photo of his whole-grain pancakes dotted with Gravenstein apples and walnuts with a pat of butter and maple syrup. Blogger Jessica Glick offered up a gluten- and dairy-free version of strawberry chocolate chip pancakes. Anyone who finds a way to work chocolate into breakfast gets a double thumbs up.


The blog Mango & Tomato also shared a recipe for blueberry lemon scones.

In the mood for breakfast? Here are some pancake recipes from the LA Times Test Kitchen that should cover the craving:

--Cornmeal pancakes


--Mesquite pancakes

--Country Gourmet’s whole wheat pancakes

Please join in in by tweeting your #weekendeats at us Monday morning @latimesfood and share your photos with us in our new “Weekend eats” gallery. We’ll feature some of the photos here on Daily Dish, so be sure to check back for more #weekendeats and #foodporn throughout the week.



The Early Bird gets the chilaquilesMore breakfast recipes from the L.A. Times Test Kitchen

Morning pastry of my dreams: Orange flower and almond brioche

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