
Orvis’ new Teddy Roosevelt collection pledges 5% to conservation

Orvis, the Vermont-based upscale outfitters of the outdoorsy set, has rolled out a Theodore Roosevelt-themed roundup of apparel and accessories that will send 5% of sales to the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.

It consists of just 10 pieces (one of which is Douglas Brinkley’s book “The Wilderness Warrior”) including a pair of vintage twill miner’s pants ($139), a leather vest (with buffalo-nickel snaps, $350), a poplin shirt (tailored, according to the company’s website, in the style of those worn by TR’s Rough Riders, $98), a shawl collar pullover sweater in a Western-inspired print (dubbed “Badlands,” $98), a leather jacket ($850), a felted rabbit fur hat ($169), a belt ($79), a pocket watch ($149) and a series of leather-bound national park atlases ($59 each).

While Orvis’ Roosevelt collection feels more like a thematic grouping of pieces than actual TR-inspired merchandise (save the hat’s braided horsehair hatband, described as “a replica of one in Roosevelt’s museum”) it’s hard to argue when the company has pledged to donate 5% of sales to the TRCP (each jacket sale, for example, would net a $44.75 donation, each pair of trousers, $6.95).


Having just toured the revamped Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall at the American Museum of Natural History, we’d urge Orvis -- or anybody else for that matter -- to dig a little deeper into the wardrobe and stylistic flourishes of the conservation president. The man certainly knew his way around a natty neckerchief and the fringed buckskin jacket on display there, with its floral design embellishments, is a thing of beauty.

Oh, and don’t even get me started on that Selleck-worthy presidental ‘stache.


Fancy a hat beard for that buttonhole?

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