
From ‘Grimm’ to ‘Mad Men’: What to watch this week

NBC’s “Grimm.” Other Comic-Con darlings may be grabbing the headlines lately, but NBC’s “Grimm” continues to prove that fantasy can go high stakes and family-friendly. Populating a police drama with storybook characters seemed like a long shot, but “Grimm” just keeps getting better and better, seamlessly knitting a funny, moody and increasingly epic tale out a series of smart procedural episodes. And it doesn’t require a master’s degree in geekdom to get started.

PHOTOS: Celebrity portraits by The Times

Here’s all you need to know: Portland police detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) isn’t just a cop, he’s a Grimm, fated by inheritance to see what other’s cannot, mainly the fact that not all people are people. Some are “wesen” -- fairy-tale-like creatures with special, often deadly, tendencies and powers. Aided by a team of wesen and humans (including the best sidekick in TV, Silas Weir Mitchell’s Monroe), Nick is trying to keep both a wall and a balance between the two worlds. It isn’t easy, but it’s always smart fun. Fridays, 9 p.m.


HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” Shakespeare meets Tolkien meets “Asssasin’s Creed.” And now there be dragons. Why miss it when you don’t have to? Sundays, 9 p.m.

NBC’s “Go On.” Matthew Perry’s turn as widower finding solace and wacky adventure with members of a grief support group fuels a solidly hilarious show. And Julie White deserves an Emmy. There, I said it. Tune in for the season finale Thursday at 9:30 p.m.

AMC’s “Mad Men.” It’s back and it’s 1968. You could build a drinking game around the pot references in the premiere, but the furniture is to die for. Sunday, 9 p.m.



Grimm goes Comic-Con

Charting ‘Game of Thrones’

Matthew Perry returns to NBC



PHOTOS: Behind the scenes of ‘Downton Abbey’

VIDEO: Winter TV preview

PHOTOS: Violence in TV shows
