
‘The Daily Show’ spoofs’s ‘Yes We Can’ video

In 2008, fueled by excitement over the presidential candidacy of then-Sen. Barack Obama,’s video “Yes We Can” became a viral hit. This election cycle, whether due to frustration or familiarity, enthusiasm over Obama is a bit more subdued – a state of affairs which, as “The Daily Show” discovered Tuesday night, makes the job of creating an “insufferable pop song” based on a campaign slogan considerably more difficult.

Feeling uninspired by Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan, “Forward,” correspondent Jon Oliver hit the streets of Charlotte, N.C., to ask the delegates at the Democratic National Convention for alternative suggestions. Their proposals -- “Nobody’s perfect,” “He’s trying the best that he can,” “I think that he’s been blocked by Congress” -- were hardly as hopeful or stirring as “Yes We Can.”

With help from fellow correspondents Jason Jones, Samantha Bee and Al Madrigal, Oliver created his own spoof video, “Yes We Can, But.” The black-and-white cinematography and acoustic guitar riffs are the same, but the sentiment is certainly different.



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