


‘The West Wing’: As we careen into election season, there was something so soothing about seeing some of President Josiah Bartlet’s Cabinet reconvene for a wittily self-aware PSA about walking (and, if possible, talking, in keeping with series creator Aaron Sorkin’s signature style). Though there are laughs in the pointless political jockeying of “Veep” and its predecessor “In the Loop,” we could use more of the Bartlet administration’s ambition and good intentions.

Father John Misty: The name sounds like a chaplain serving not far from the 4077th, but in reality it’s the musical nom de plume of ex-Fleet Foxes drummer Josh Tillman, who’s behind a captivating new album, “Fear Fun.” Led by Tillman’s quavering voice, Father John Misty’s lush and evocative mini-sermons recall ‘70s singer-songwriters with nods toward local landmarks like the Hollywood Forever Cemetery only sweetening the hazily sunny vibe.


Phillip Phillips on ‘American Idol’: Ordinarily it’s best not to get invested with Fox’s overblown but declining musical juggernaut, but once in a while a line must be drawn. With luck, by this time clearer heads will have prevailed and extracted this dorm room Dave Matthews from the airwaves, but given the whims of teenage girls and the show’s incoherent judging, his grunted violence toward innocent rock tunes goes on. The man must be stopped.


Tim Burton’s recent arc: With the campy “Dark Shadows’ in theaters, we have to wonder if Tim Burton has any interest in surprising us any longer. Ever since the heartfelt and beautifully quirky “Ed Wood,” Burton has specialized in churning out what could be called “Tim Burton Movies,” the sort of films that may be visually dazzling and often require Johnny Depp in goth-adjacent costume. It’s entertaining to look at, but Burton could give us so much more.

— Chris Barton
