
Alex Trebek hosts film trivia at the Hollywood Bowl

Answer: Alex Trebek

Question: Who is the host of Sunday evening’s Hollywood Bowl concert, “The Big Picture: AFI’s Great American Movie Quiz.”

Trebek mused that he won’t get confused that evening by asking the questions instead of giving the answer first.

“It will be the reverse, but keep in mind I have been doing this kind of [quiz show] programming for a long time,” said Trebek, who used to host KCOP’s live coverage of the Bowl’s fireworks concert in the 1990s. “I did have a life before ‘Jeopardy!’”


The evening will also feature Oscar-nominated composer David Newman (“Anastasia”), one of the music-making sons of legendary film composer Alfred Newman, who will conduct the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra as it plays some of the best-loved classic film scores.

“It’s an evening for people who love the Bowl, loves music and loves movies,” said Trebek, who will have to sit on the Bowl stage because he’s recovering from the Achilles tendon that ruptured in July when he chased a woman who allegedly burglarized his San Francisco hotel room.

The relationship between the American Film Institute and the Hollywood Bowl began in 2005 when the two paired up to unveil the AFI’s selections for the 25 greatest films scores.


“There is nothing like movie night at the Bowl,” said Bob Gazzale, the president and CEO of the AFI. “There is nothing like being out under the stars with thousands of people who share a passion for the movies to see the images up on the big screen and to hear the music played live. There is no experience like it.”

For their return engagement the next year, the two groups joined to count down the greatest movie musicals of all time.

“Then the AFI got out of the countdown mode, and we decided to reach deeper in other ways to celebrate the movies,” Gazzale said. “It’s no secret to anybody that movie trivia is a national, if not a global, obsession. So we went to the Bowl and said, ‘Let’s have a quiz.’”


Trebek will first offer some “fun kind of information,” Gazzale said. “Then up on screen will come a multiple choice question.”

Audiences will be given more than 20 questions to answer, of varying degrees of difficulty and covering every genre and decade.

“It will really be a moment for these thousands of people across generations to find something they love,” Gazzale said.

The audience will select its answer via one of the three colored glow sticks — red, green and blue — they will be given when they arrive at the Bowl.

The answer will be revealed when Newman drops the baton and the orchestra beings to play the score, which will be accompanied by a lengthy clip from the movie.

“David has been instrumental in picking the clips and the music,” Gazzale said. “And Alex Trebek not only brings his great eloquence [to the evening], he has already given me spectacular advice to help produce the event.”


[email protected] ‘The Big Picture: AFI’s Great American Movie Quiz’

When: 7:30 p.m. Sunday

Where: Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood

Tickets: $11-$158

Information: (323) 850-2000 or
