
Calendar Letters: Megyn Kelly’s interview with Alex Jones ‘represents the very worst of NBC’

Megyn Kelly continues to be criticized for interviewing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for her show.
(Victoria Will / AP)

Megyn Kelly interview a low point

Megyn Kelly continues to be criticized for interviewing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for her show

Thank you to Lorraine Ali for giving voice to my anger over Megyn Kelly’s NBC interview with Alex Jones [“‘Shine a Light’ on Jones? Really?” June 19].

It was nothing more than an attempt for a ratings grab by giving prime airtime to a hateful fringe element that represents the very worst in our society. And to do this on the back and souls of Sandy Hook parents — on Father’s Day no less — represents the worst of NBC. We need to be better than this.


Anna Cwieka

Mission Viejo


Well, I guess you can take the girl out of the Fox, but you can’t take the Fox out of the girl.

Cathy Tennican

Los Angeles


Ali’s column exposes Kelly for what she is: a showgirl. No serious journalist would every dress in the provocative clothes that she wears. She gives serious female journalists a bad name. I predict she doesn’t last.

Lois Wetton

La Verne


Yes, she made an appalling choice and now she has to pay the price for that bad choice. Shameful to give that guy any voice at all.


I did not watch her Putin interview because there is nothing Putin could say that I would believe, so what was the point of the interview? Did she think she would learn anything, or was that just the big name she wanted to go heads up with “60 Minutes” reruns this summer? A tough slot.

Denny Knudsen


It takes more than clothes

Regarding “This ‘Dinner Party’ Lights Up Some Fun” [June 15]: I was intrigued to see Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg in Indian clothes. And when I read the article it seemed to me that Martha is trying to appeal to the 18-49 demographic that loves exotic cooking. No one can become an expert in Indian/Tandoor cooking just by wearing Indian clothes. It takes lots of practice.

Meena Rao

Los Angeles

Defending the Moody Blues

Whoever reported at the Hollywood Bowl on the Moody Blues [“Classic Feels Jurassic at the Bowl’s Opener,” June 18] must have been at a different show than I. I met with many friends from all over the world for this event, and no one was disappointed.


Pat Cohen

Cockeysville, Md.


Instead of appreciating the positive music of this groundbreaking band and the huge collaboration of the Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra and the band on a beautiful peaceful night, Mikael Wood chooses to call it corny and age-shame the band. The Moody Blues should be hailed as one of the most underrated bands of the ‘60-’70s music explosion.

John Weyand

Santa Monica


Wood must have missed the band’s opener, “I’m Just a Singer” with its eerily prescient bridge written nearly 50 years ago yet so relevant to current events they could have been written yesterday.

Kevin Ausmus



What a hip review in The Times of the Moody Blues. That is hip, and petty, and sour, and trite, and mean-spirited.

Jim Gorin


[email protected]
