
Delay for Pixar’s ‘Good Dinosaur.’ Finke vs. Penske! Dish wins again.

After the coffee. Before figuring out if I need a new hairstyle.

The Skinny: While I’m not a fan of Thursday night football, I do want to see the Chiefs-Eagles game because former Eagles coach Andy Reid now coaches the Chiefs. Should be good drama. Speaking of drama, today’s stories include Deadline editor Nikki Finke’s ongoing fight with her owner Jay Penske. Also, reality producer Mark Burnett looks to conquer new genres.

Daily Dose: A helicopter owned by Long Island-based Cablevision Systems Corp. is causing headaches for a Syosset resident who made his complaints public at a meeting of town leaders. Cablevision is based in nearby Woodbury. Ralph Catapano said he has reached out to Cablevision to try to talk about the situation but gets no response. If he’s a subscriber, maybe he should threaten to drop Cablevision in favor of DirecTV or Dish. More on this amusing tale from the Oyster Bay Patch.

Dinosaur delay. Pixar has pushed the release of “The Good Dinosaur” from next May to November of 2015. This is the latest sign that all is not well with the movie about dinosaurs and humans living together. This summer, director Bob Peterson was removed from the movie and Pixar still hasn’t named a successor. The move means there will be no Pixar release in 2014. But, as Pixar President Ed Catmull told the Los Angeles Times, people will forgive that quicker than they will a subpar movie.

PHOTOS: Hollywood backlot moments

Remember us? Much of the focus on this Sunday’s Emmy Awards has been whether the Netflix series “House of Cards” will score big wins. But heading into the show, it is once again HBO that has the most nominations, and it is still a huge cash cow for parent company Time Warner. Reuters takes a look at HBO’s efforts to keep growing in a more competitive media landscape.


Broken news. Deadline Hollywood founder and editor Nikki Finke is turning up the volume in her fight with owner Jay Penske. Finke has been at odds with Penske since his Penske Media Corp. bought Variety and opted not to give her a role in running it. Now Finke thinks Variety is getting preferential treatment from Penske and wants to buy Deadline Hollywood back or be cut loose from her contract to start another site. So far, Penske has shown little interest in granting Finke -- who has reduced her presence on the site as of late -- her wishes. The latest on the Hollywood drama from the New York Times and Los Angeles Times. The New York Times says the site has become “bland” since Finke lowered her profile, which I’m sure made the rest of the staff there feel real good.

Hopping mad. The broadcast networks were dealt another blow in their legal fight against satellite company Dish Network and its AutoHop, a device that makes it easier to skip commercials while watching television. A New York federal judge denied ABC’s request for a preliminary injunction against Dish. Last year, Fox’s request was denied by a California federal judge. More on the legal battle over the AutoHop from the Wall Street Journal and Hollywood Reporter.

PHOTOS: Celebrities by The Times

Writing a new script. Producer Mark Burnett, who rose to fame with the reality hit “Survivor” in 2000 and made the transition to scripted fare with the miniseries “The Bible,” now wants to add sitcoms and dramas to his impressive resume. Variety chats up Burnett on his goals and looks back at his unusual rise to the top of the television industry.


Inside the Los Angeles Times: Kenneth Turan on “Enough Said,” which stars the late James Gandolfini and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

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