
‘Breaking Bad’s’ last season draws 23 million Facebook interactions

In case you haven’t heard, “Breaking Bad’s” series finale is Sunday, and if the season so far has been any indication, it’s going to generate plenty of social media rants.

Facebook, the world’s biggest social network, has been tracking the chatter for the dark AMC drama. According to Facebook, more than 11 million people have talked about the show on the site so far this season, generating a total of 23 million interactions.

The show has been getting its best ratings ever in its last installments, with viewership topping 6 million (6.6 million watched the penultimate episode), and it’s expected to grow even more with Sunday’s finale.


PHOTOS: ‘Breaking Bad’ scenes | Every season, every episode

Facebook also ranked the top 10 states by the percentage of monthly active users mentioning “Breaking Bad.” Not surprising, New Mexico, where the series takes place, topped the list, followed by New York and Arizona.

Facebook has well more than 1 billion monthly active users.

Among nations talking about “Breaking Bad,” the U.S. was No. 1, followed by Canada, the U.K., Australia and Israel.


The series’ final episodes have been lighting up Twitter too, generating hundreds of thousands of mentions for recent airings, according to Nielsen’s SocialGuide.

We’ll have to wait and see if the pronouncements in reaction to the finale are of the positive variety, or if the big closer disappoints its opinionated, talkative fans.

Here’s Facebook’s top 10 list for states:

1. New Mexico 
2. New York
3. Arizona
4. Rhode Island
5. Massachusetts
6. California
7. New Hampshire
8. Idaho
9. Illinois
10. Pennsylvania

PHOTOS: Memorable TV series finales


And for countries:

1. United States
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. Australia
5. Israel
6. New Zealand
7. Peru
8. Sweden
9. Norway
10. Spain


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