
Feedback: Vaccine mandate for theatergoers? Readers say, ‘Yes!’

Vaxxed and ready for the show

I know that as a theater critic, Charles McNulty is not the one who regularly receives applause, but I believe he deserves a standing ovation for his column [“Actors, Vax Up or Get Off the Stage,” Aug. 23].

Vaccines work. We don’t have polio outbreaks in the U.S. because of vaccinations.

Those who refuse vaccines put themselves and others at risk. I am a performer, and I know live performances can continue only by making sure all participants, crew and viewers are vaccinated.

Robert Baxt
Culver City


Amen and hallelujah.

McNulty, whose prowess with a sentence is something I would not wish to come up against in a dark alley, unleashed the wrath of millions of us on those who will not take personal responsibility for keeping our communities safe by receiving a simple vaccine.


Clearly and directly written, with great style and, of course, a good measure of drama, McNulty’s words channel the anger a majority of us feel toward those whose arrogance and selfish impudence defy all standards of social decency.


Michael Hynes


Movies and theater aren’t my thing. Science and politics are.

Nevertheless, my wife referred me to McNulty’s column. It was very well done, the Asimov quote and contrasting viewpoints from the theater community, all while making it crystal clear what he was thinking. And what McNulty was thinking is what I believe all reasonable people should be thinking.

As far as I’m concerned, if printed on the opinion page. this column would be one of the best commentaries.


David Michels


Great column, one of the best I’ve seen on the COVID-19 pandemic. And coming from a theater critic in the Calendar section, no less.

Dave Courdy
Huntington Beach

He had spunk

Ed Asner at the 82nd Academy Awards on March 7, 2010 in Hollywood section of Los Angeles.
Ed Asner at the 82nd Academy Awards on March 7, 2010 in Hollywood section of Los Angeles.
(Matt Sayles / Associated Press )

Thank you for writing your stories on the life and film and TV credits of Ed Asner [by Sonaiya Kelley, Nardine Saad and Dennis McLellan]. “Lou Grant” was my favorite TV show when I was in high school in a small town in South Dakota. Because of that show, I was determined to become a newspaper reporter and go live in L.A. and work for Lou and his team of reporters and photographer Animal.


I never became a reporter (as you can tell by my writing), but I do live in the L.A. area and I often think about that show when I pick up my L.A. Times from my driveway and wonder if many people working for The Times (past or present) were influenced by “Lou Grant.”

Thanks for your great work. Lou might have given you a small smile.

Glenn Garry
Newbury Park


I accept your apology for overlooking one of Asner’s early performances in “Police Story” in Robert Lloyd’s appreciation [“Tough Yet Cuddly,” Aug. 31]. I think it was a one-shot turn on that show but it stuck with me all these years. He was perfectly cast as a detective. Your appreciations for him were tremendous.

Paul Updegrove
Sherman Oaks

Remembering Michael K. Williams

Actor Michael K Williams photographed on Aug. 16.
Michael K Williams, who died Monday, was known for his role as Omar Little on “The Wire.” For his work in HBO’s “Lovecraft Country,” he is nominated for an Emmy. He was photographed in his Brooklyn home on Aug. 16, 2021.
(Jesse Dittmar / For The Times)

Regarding “With 100% Honesty” [Sept. 8], Greg Braxton’s appreciation of Michael K. Williams:

Dear God,

Omar comin’.

I trust you’re pleased.

Cy Bolton

The beloved star of “The Wire” and “Lovecraft Country” graciously sat for portraits revealing the range of emotion — and the honesty — fans loved.

Keep movies in movie theaters

Regarding “Theater Owners Plead Case to Studios” [by Ryan Faughnder, Aug. 25]: As an avid movie fan, I agree with theater owners. This latest action of the studios is trying to ruin the theater business, and it is ruining the moviegoing pleasure for fans as well.

It was bad enough when theaters were closed because of the pandemic. Now that they are open again, their business is down and their movie offerings are limited. This is because the studios have been holding back films, waiting for the return of audiences, who in turn are waiting for more movies to be released.


Now, the studios are releasing films to streaming services. That is causing the theaters to turn down films because it is killing their crowds, and movie stars who are paid based on a percentage of the box office income are being cheated on their pay. The federal government should look into this as a trust-busting case.

New movies must be released to the theaters first, and then to other outlets after a minimum of a month’s wait.

John Jensen

Ironic juxtaposition

I love it that Christopher Knight’s commentary about MOCA’s embargoed press release regarding its new director [“Email Sign of Bigger Mess at MOCA”] landed on Page 1 of Calendar, while the actual article about the director’s appointment came on Page 6. Take that, MOCA.

Nancy Wright
