
3 killed, 1 hospitalized in Lynwood crash

Three people were killed and one was injured in a two-vehicle crash early Sunday in Lynwood, authorities said.

The crash occurred around 2 a.m. at State Street and Tweedy Boulevard, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Police in South Gate said the crash occurred after patrol officers chased individuals they suspected of stealing a catalytic converter, KABC reported. Police later canceled the pursuit because the suspect was driving at dangerous speeds, the station said.


L.A. County Sheriff’s Department officials told The Times Sunday night that they did not have enough evidence to suggest that a car chase was responsible for the crash.

Two people were pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said. Two others were taken to a hospital, where one died. The condition of the other hospitalized person was unknown Sunday night.

The county coroner’s office identified two of the dead as James Griffin, 20, and Flavio Balderas, 60, KABC reported.
