
Oops! EBay seller cancels sale of gold iPhone 5s for $10,100

When buying items on EBay, be careful how you type.

A typing mistake caused a user to bid $10,100 for a gold iPhone 5s earlier this week -- more than 50 times the item’s regular price of $200 with a two-year contract -- and got the person worldwide attention.

But while the gadget is listed as sold on EBay, the item’s seller said Friday that he has canceled the transaction at the request of the buyer, who apparently typed in one too many zeroes when bidding for the popular smartphone.

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“It was a mistake,” the item’s seller told the Los Angeles Times.

While no iPhone is fetching that kind of bid, a number of gold iPhone 5s devices are selling on EBay and Craiglist for more than $1,000, several hundred dollars more than a no-contract cost of $650.


That’s because the shiny new Apple smartphone is very tough to find. On its release day, the gold iPhone 5s was quick to sell out at various stores around the country.

And online, wait times for the device are fairly long. Apple’s online shop says it can’t ship the gold iPhone 5s until October while AT&T’s site says it will take between 28 and 42 business days to ship the smartphone.


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