
Colorado shooting: Reaction on Twitter at times emotional, thoughtless

The Web is lighting up with reaction in the aftermath of the shooting rampage that killed 12 and wounded dozens at a midnight showing Friday of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Colorado.

On Twitter now, #theatershooting, #Aurora and Colorado are trending.

Elements about the shooting suspect, James Holmes, are also trending, including his name and his alma mater, UC Riverside.


Photos: ‘Dark Knight Rises’ shooting

Some tweeting off the trending topics, however, found themselves on the receiving end of quite a bit of disgust and ire.

Celeb Boutique saw the trend, but apparently didn’t realize it was related to the shooting, not their collection of Kim Kardashian-inspired dress.


Here’s a sample of the reaction throughout the Twitterverse:

[View the story “Reaction to the Colorado theater shooting” on Storify]

Reaction to the Colorado theater shooting

Some tweets are pitch perfect, others rank a little insensitive.

Storified by Michelle Maltais · Fri, Jul 20 2012 13:33:39

Celeb Boutique is catching a great deal of flack for tweeting “#Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired#Aurora dress.
You are disgusting RT @celebboutique #Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dress ;) Shop: Bagans
And also another very dark day in the war on stupid. RT @celebboutique#Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dressSean Grande
Wow. You guys are disgusting. “@celebboutique: #Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dress”Your Mom
The insensitive tweet from @celebboutique has been taken down, and has been replaced one claiming they “didn’t check the trend.” #AuroraEsteban L. Hernandez
Enjoy your job search (via @kayhanley ) RT @celebboutique #Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dress ;)burritosandsnow
Unbelievable “@celebboutique: #Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dress ;) Shop:””Writetrash
Wondering if @kimkardashian will comment on @celebboutique using her name for the worst PR tweet of 2012. #aurora Gomez
Huh. @celebboutique uses 6 tweets to apologize for its ignorance about the #Aurora, and in the middle of it, RTs “Its a fabulous friday”?jacqui
The company responded by pulling the tweet and apologizing -- profusely. No word on Twitter yet from Kim Kardashian.
We didn’t check what the trend was about hence the confusion, again we do apologise.Celeb Boutique
We are incredibly sorry for our tweet about Aurora - Our PR is NOT US based and had not checked the reason for the trend, at that time ourCeleb Boutique
social media was totally UNAWARE of the situation and simply thought it was another trending topic - we have removed the very insensitiveCeleb Boutique
tweet and will of course take more care in future to look into what we say in our tweets. Again we do apologise for any offense causedCeleb Boutique
Some in the sports world are feeling a personal loss.
Oh my god my friend jessica is goneThe Goalie Guild
Words are useless. Guns more so. If you ever had any interaction with @JessicaRedfield, you know the world is much worse off without her.Jesse Spector
@JordanGhawi Jessica interned for us for a few months. She was a wonderful, bright, talented woman. If there is ANYTHING we can do, just askPatrick Burke
More response from athletes

So u telling me I can’t even feel safe at the movies now!!? SMH. My prayers goes out to all the families involved in Aurora, Colorado.LeBron James
Its just not fair that innocent people have to lose their lives over someone’s selfish stupidity acts! My stomach is hurting over thisLeBron James
My thoughts go out to the souls lost in Aurora Colorado last night. Not gonna lie. I am kinda nervous to go to the movies.Roy Hibbert
Athletes react to Colorado theatre shootingA gunman opened fire on a crowded movie theatre Thursday night, killing twelve and wounding dozens more. Twitter quickly exploded with th...
Chefs are also reacting to the news

My heart and prayers go out to all the victims and families in Aurora, Colorado this morning.Paula Deen
Chefs React To Colorado ShootingThe Social Media Story storified by The Braiser
