My Favorite Room | Actress Sarayu Blue
Color is a big theme in the ‘Medical Police’ star’s office retreat.

Color — and lots of it — was the goal for actress Sarayu Blue when she converted a guest room in her Studio City home into a personal retreat of sorts. (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

Actress Sarayu Blue painted the walls of her favorite room a deep turquoise and laid down a floral teal rug from Anthropologie. A trio of couch cushions from the set of her 2018 NBC sitcom “I Feel Bad” spell out “You Do You.” (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

Anchoring one corner of actress Sarayu Blue’s favorite room is a burnished orange lounge chair. (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

Actress Sarayu Blue keeps vases filled with fresh bouquets in her office retreat in Studio City. (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

Actress Sarayu Blue says her husband, producer Jonathan M. Blue, hates orange: “Much to his chagrin, the chair stayed.” (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

Actress Sarayu Blue says she doesn’t come into her favorite room “unless I’m working or taking space for myself — I’m a big alone-time person. I have my coffee. I read. I light my candles.” (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)

“I love mixing styles and eclectic tastes,” actress Sarayu Blue says of her office retreat. (Jesse Goddard / For The Times)