
AFL-CIO convention 2013: Can the labor movement reverse its slide?

Among the issues being discussed at the quadrennial AFL-CIO convention this week in Los Angeles is how to make the labor movement more relevant.

Looking for ways to reverse labor’s declining political clout and declining membership rolls, the labor federation is proposing to strike up alliances with progressive groups, day laborer organizations and community worker centers. The resolution aims to bring into the fold hundreds of thousands of new members from organizations such as the Sierra Club, the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza and others.

Join us at 1 p.m. today for a Google+ Hangout to discuss this and other topics related to the convention. We’ll be joined by the Nation’s Josh Eidelson, who has written extensively on the labor movement.


Do you think it’s a winning strategy? What other options should the federation explore? Or is labor’s time as a major political player over? Chime in via Google+, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #asklatimes or in comments here and we’ll try to work your thoughts into our live discussion today.


AFL-CIO convention kicks off in Los Angeles

AFL-CIO seeks alliance with progressive groups


Sen. Elizabeth Warren addresses the AFL-CIO convention
