
Timothy Geithner finishes 9th in his age group in D.C. triathlon

WASHINGTON -- While his boss, President Obama, faces a tough reelection run, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner tackled his own race last weekend -- and grabbed a top-10 finish in his age category.

Geithner, 51, competed in the Nation’s Triathlon Sunday in Washington, D.C., a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Geithner finished ninth among men 50 to 54 years old with a time of 2:33:07, according to the race website.

Billed as Washington’s premier triathlon, the race involves a 1.5-mile swim in the Potomac River, a 40-mile bike ride and a 10-kilometer run.


Geithner completed the swim in 29:10, the bike ride in 1:13:52, and the 10K in 45:51, according to the official results on the event’s website.

His time was 316th overall among the race’s 3,137 finishers.

Geithner is an avid athlete. In addition to running, swimming and biking, he plays tennis and basketball, his staff told The Times in 2010.

The Washington Post reported Monday that race organizers didn’t know Geithner was in the race until they saw him crossing the finish line. Geithner competed in a triathlon in Northern Virginia several years ago, and a half-marathon in California two years ago, the Post said.


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