
Twit and wisdom from Twitter users for the Facebooking masses

Wading through networked society can have rules of its own. Facebook is no exception. And of course, folks on Twitter have a few suggestions trending now.

Although Mashable’s tips for power users are certainly very useful, the ones floating through the twittosphere are fairly practical once you get past some of the my-social-network-is-better-than-yours taunting.

Most of the 140-character missives are more of a list of suggestions based on annoyances. Here’s a slightly edited distillation of the most useful:


1. Keep your clothes on in your Facebook photos.

2. Be careful what you click.

3. Drama. Expect it from the very first status update on Facebook.

4. Don’t cross the streams -- keep Twitter and Facebook separate. And if you’re going to micro-blog, use Twitter or Tumblr, not Facebook.

5. Along those lines, hashtags belong on Twitter, not Facebook. #keepingyourplatformsstraight

6. Keep the relationship fights off-line. Awkward! (Although some said bring it on so we can all watch.)


7. Self-liking is frowned upon, so don’t hit “like” on your own updates or photos. It’s like high-fiving yourself in public, a few tweeters wrote.

8. Don’t put anything on Facebook you wouldn’t want your partner, mom, boss or ex to find out about, because they will.

9. In fact, maybe you shouldn’t friend that ex.

10. Forget about talking to a Timeline; talk to people instead -- or post it on Twitter, I suppose.


Do you have your own rules of engagement for managing your digital social life? Share them with us.


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