
Moms make the most of their digital lives

M is for many million clicks on Facebook. O means she’s really swift online. Another M is for her mobile multitasking. That’s Mom, and she’s leading a very full digital life, according to figures from Nielsen.

With Mother’s Day on the horizon, we take a look at the role tech plays in the lives of American moms. As Bianca Bosker of the Huffington Post puts it, Mom is no tech nitwit. (Trust me, Mom, I already knew that. We’ll Skype later.)

No, it’s not your imagination that Facebook is an online haven for mothers. They’re connecting with other mothers, posting pictures of their beloved families and regaling friends with the out-of-the-sky comments that come out of the mouths of babes. In just the month of March, 27.9 million American moms visited the social networking site, or about 72.5% of mothers who got online from their home computers, Nielsen said.

And a higher percentage of mothers than women overall are connecting via social networks.

With money tight and time even tighter, shopping online appeals to many moms. Really, even if she has her hands full, it only takes a free finger to handle so many of the family shopping needs.

Compared with the average American, moms are 35% more likely to shop for clothes, 50% more likely to buy toys, 29% more likely to buy music, and 23% more likely to purchase e-books online within the past month, Nielsen said.

Pinterest should send moms a pin with flowers because moms are showing Pinterest some love. They are 61% more likely than the average American to drop in on the site. In March, moms made up more than a third of the unique visitors, as nearly 5 million of them visited the site, according to Nielsen.

Not only do mothers visit blogs more often than the average American, about one in three bloggers are moms. Of course, not all of them are nearly as visible as L.A. mommy blogger Jamie Lynne Grumet is these days.


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