
Facebook begins rolling out ‘save for later’ feature

Facebook has started to roll out “save for later,” a new feature on its app and website that lets users store friends’ posts to read later.

Users will begin seeing the feature pop up on their mobile devices with a notification explaining that they can hold down anywhere on a post to save it.

On, users will start to see a button reading “Save” alongside posts’ “Like,” “Comment” and “Share” buttons.


ROUNDUP: The freshest Facebook features

To access the content, users can go to the menu bar of the mobile version of Facebook and will soon find a “Saved” section within the “Favorites” portion of the menu.

Users can find the same on by going to the “Favorites” section, which is toward the left of the website, according to The Verge.


The feature comes a day after news broke that Facebook will begin revamping the “Photo” section of users Timeline profiles.

The social network also said it will migrate all users’ profiles to Timeline before the end of the year.


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