
When a lifetime subscription comes to an abrupt halt

David purchased a lifetime subscription to the Wilson Quarterly, a magazine covering “the world of ideas” from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Then the Wilson Quarterly had the bright idea of switching from print to online-only publication, and David saw his lifetime subscription vanish.

Waitaminnit, he said. Isn’t a lifetime subscription forever, regardless of how a magazine is published?


ASK LAZ: Smart answers to consumer questions

You’d think so. Lifetime warranties aren’t always worth the paper they’re printed on, but a lifetime subscription should see you all the way to the finish line.

Happily, the Wilson Quarterly agreed. An assistant editor at the magazine told me that a technical glitch had caused some people’s lifetime subscriptions to not make the transition to digital delivery.


He assured me that he’d take care of David’s problem and thus maintain his access to the world of ideas.

For more check out today’s Ask Laz video.

If you have a consumer question, email me at [email protected] or contact me via Twitter @Davidlaz.
