
As Ford’s assembly line turns 100, company still refining factories

On the 100th anniversary of Henry Ford’s invention of the moving assembly line, the company he founded outlined how it is still refining his ideas.

On Oct. 7, 1913, Ford rigged up a rope tow to pull Model T chassis across the factory floor to speed assembly of the car.

The innovation is credited with greatly reducing the expense and time of manufacturing an auto, which paved the way for the mass marketing of cars. Automakers will sell about 15.5-million vehicles in the U.S. this year.


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Ford Motor Co. said it is still making cars with the same principles, although now the process is aided by banks of robots, computers and other automation.

The automaker said it is working toward a goal four years from now when each of its factories will have the flexibility to produce four different models. That will allow the car company to better match what it is producing to customer demand.

“Henry Ford’s core principles of quality parts, work flow, division of labor and efficiency still resonate today,” said John Fleming, Ford’s executive vice president of global manufacturing.


Ford also said that 90% of its factories globally will operate on a three-shift model by 2017, which will allow it to make nearly a third more cars without building new plants.

The car company also said that four years from now all its vehicles will be built off just nine platforms, further increasing assembly efficiency and flexibility. Ford currently uses 15 platforms.

“One hundred years ago, my great-grandfather had a vision to build safe and efficient transportation for everyone,” said Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford. “I am proud he was able to bring the freedom of mobility to millions by making cars affordable to families and that his vision of serving people still drives everything we do today.”


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