
American Queen Steamboat Co.

Someone once said that we enter this world as strangers but we leave it as friends. They might just have had a river voyage on the grand American Queen in mind as well. What is more important, more rewarding, more fulfilling or more comforting than a sense of community bound together by shared experiences? And few shared experiences are more delightful than a cruise with the American Queen Steamboat Co.

With her countless Victorian details and the history she represents, there is nothing like the American Queen afloat today. Built in 1995 with every modern convenience and thoroughly refreshed in 2012, the American Queen is modeled after the steamboats of yesteryear with an authentic steam-powered paddlewheel, broad shaded decks and enough filigree, fretwork, antique furniture, stained glass and mahogany paneling to make Mark Twain proud.

The American Queen offers three sentimental journeys you won’t want to miss, featuring the most iconic destinations in the Old South. Steamboating the Lower Mississippi River, the American Queen will take you to favorite Louisiana destinations like Houmas House, Oak Alley and Baton Rouge. In Mississippi, enjoy the historic towns of Vicksburg and Natchez.

