
LiveTalksLA upcoming speakers include Neil Gaiman, Phil Jackson

Neil Gaiman photographed at SXSW in 2013.
Neil Gaiman photographed at SXSW in 2013.
(Tim Mosenfelder / Getty Images)

The literary event series Live Talks Los Angles announced its spring 2013 series Wednesday. The series, founded in 2010, takes place at a number of venues around the city.

Speakers this spring include Neil Gaiman, who comes to L.A. -- well, technically, Glendale, at the Alex Theater -- in June to talk about his forthcoming novel “The Ocean at the End of the Lane.” Gaiman can write just about anything, and write it well -- comic books (Sandman), award-winning children’s novels (“The Graveyard Book”), Dr. Who episodes (“The Doctor’s Wife” won a Hugo). The new novel is a spooky thriller for adults.

Gaiman will be interviewed by Entertainment Weekly’s Geoff Boucher. The cost of tickets for the event, like most events by LiveTalks Los Angeles, is tiered. General admission is $42 and includes a copy of “The Ocean at the End of the Lane”; $55 includes the book and secures a place in a reserved seating block; and for $105, ticket buyers get premiere reserved seating, the novel plus an additional book by Gaiman, and admission to a pre-event reception.


The prices of tickets for Live Talks Los Angeles vary, but almost always include a book and the option to attend a reception.

Some of the events will feature major cultural figures who’ve written books about their lives. Former Lakers coach Phil Jackson, whose memoir is “Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success,” appears June 12. Country star Billy Ray Cyrus will talk about his book “Hillbilly Heart” -- and bring his acoustic guitar -- at an event April 24. Artist Ed Moses will also appear in April, in a rescheduled appearance.

Bestselling author Mitch Albom will be appearing, but not to talk about “Tuesdays With Morrie” or his other books -- he’ll be there to talk to Grammy-winning songwriter Burt Bacharach about his memoir “Anyone Who Had a Heart: My Life and Music.”


Deepak Chopra and Sanjiv Chopra will return to Los Angeles to talk about their book “Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny and the American Dream.” On May 16, Isabelle Allende will talk about her new novel, “Maya’s Notebook.”

Tickets for some events are on sale now; others will be available in the coming weeks. See for more information.


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