
Gear: Pop-up crib is lightweight and luggable

The JourneyBee Travel Crib changes from a nearly flat 32-inch-diameter half-disc into a 60-inch-long by 41-inch-wide by 24-inch-tall lightweight crib/playpen with the release of a strap. (Clear the immediate area of kids before you unleash this thing.)

A built-in nylon framework pops up and out. Lay in the included 1-inch-thick mattress and fleece sheet, both of which fasten to the crib bottom with via Velcro tabs, then plunk the little one in.

Mesh side panels let you see what junior is up to. (An inch-thick mattress isn’t much cushioning, but do not substitute your own, because this could be a safety hazard.)


Getting the JourneyBee back into flat-disk mode for storage may take some practice with hands-knees coordination, but the manual shows step-by-step drawings.

This weighs 11 1/2 pounds, including the mattress, fleece sheet and included carry bag with shoulder strap and comes in several colors and patterns.

ParentLab journeyBee Travel Crib costs $149.

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