
Books: Mark Z. Danielewski performs ‘The Fifty Year Sword’

Mark Z. Danielewski, author of “House of Leaves” and other mind-scrambling tomes, will perform his limited-edition novella, “The Fifty Year Sword,” as a special Halloween treat; candy corn, if you will, for the literary soul. In order to illuminate his creepy ghost story involving a seamstress recovering from a painful divorce on an East Texas ranch, the writer will call on a mix of performers, including actors and the oft-neglected shadow artist. No one — we repeat, no one — will make it out alive. (OK, so you’ll be fine, but we’ve always wanted to say that.) REDCAT, 631 W. 2nd St., L.A. 7 p.m. Sun. $8-$15. (213) 237-2800.
