

Times Wire Reports

In a new audiotape, Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden demanded that European nations withdraw their troops from Afghanistan, saying they were sacrificing lives and money in an unjust U.S.-led war.

“We are not demanding anything unjust. It is just for you to end injustice and withdraw your soldiers,” he said in the recording, released on the Internet with a background picture of Bin Laden and with subtitles in German and English.

“One of the greatest injustices is to kill people unjustly, and this is exactly what your governments and soldiers are committing under the cover of the NATO alliance in Afghanistan,” Bin Laden said in the recording, titled “A Message to the People of Europe.”


“An intelligent person does not waste his children and wealth for the sake of a gang in Washington,” he said. The four-minute recording was produced by Al Qaeda’s media arm, As Sahab.
