

Re “A Very White Award Show,” by Greg Braxton, Sept. 22: As a Latina actress and academy member, I can personally attest that, on TV, we are basically invisible. This exists even on shows supposedly taking place in Latino-majority cities such as Miami and Los Angeles.

When, infrequently, roles do come up for actors like myself, it’s for either “maids” or long-suffering “gang mothers” named “Maria.” Great role modeling, huh?

Anglo writer friends often express an unwarranted reluctance to “write Latin” in case they “get it wrong.” My reply? Write the most interesting, fun and multidimensional character you can and name her “Female Humanoid.” When, creatively, you’re 100% satisfied with her, merely change her name to “Conchita” and the actor will organically do the rest.


Marcia Del Mar

