
Good morning read, Vietnam

Thanks to Karin Esterhammer for sharing her family’s life in Vietnam [“One Family’s Plan B: Sweet Home Vietnam,” Sept. 13]. I admire her and her spouse for their adventuresome spirit and for raising a child who, at 8 years old, is willing to try their adventure. I savored every tidbit about their daily life in Ho Chi Minh City. The best part was their interactions with their neighbors and vendors. I hope you will publish a follow-up story. This was the best article I’ve ever read in the Travel section, and I’ve subscribed to the L.A. Times for more than 30 years.

Karen Schaffer

Los Angeles


Esterhammer has written my favorite L.A. Times Travel article of all time. I read the Travel section first, as travel is my passion, but it usually takes me only five minutes to finish. Please publish more slice-of-lifestyle stories rather than articles one can find in a boring travel guide.

Spencer Burt

West Los Angeles


I am so pleased to read the piece on Americans in Vietnam. It is so wonderful to get an American perspective on the day-to-day life of Vietnamese culture.


I’m considered an American by most Vietnamese, but I’m really a first-generation immigrant (born in Saigon in 1973 and fled the country in 1975 with my mom). This piece helps bridge the language and cultural gaps between my relatives and me, because I’m not fully able to comprehend the language and the depth of their description of life back home. It also allows me to understand the wonderful country and culture that we left behind. Thank you for this. I will finally get to share with my parents and grandma.

Khanh Le

South Pasadena


Esterhammer’s article is beautiful, full of hope and happiness and the wonderful values we’re missing, foolishly rejected by too many people in the U.S. in their stupid intellectual sophistication. Very unusual and uplifting piece, coming from the lib media.

Andy Eppink

Lake Los Angeles


Terrific article; I loved it. I’ve been fascinated by Vietnam since I was there during the war in 1968-69 in the First Marine Division. I was in motor transport in I Corps, mostly Phu Bai, Danang and An Hoa. Our enemy notwithstanding, I always liked the Vietnamese people and wonder what happened to the ones I got to know. Fortunately, I was a camera nut and had a quality 35mm camera, so I took lots of pictures. They are treasures to me now and will go to my kids and grandkids. It is a beautiful country, and the people are fantastic.


Tim Elliott

