
Good call

I hope that Chris Dufresne and the many other critics of Pete Carroll’s decision to go with freshman Matt Barkley now will concede that USC’s coach knows what he is doing.

Dufresne wrote: “Making Barkley’s first-ever road trip to a nationally televised game at Ohio Stadium is like sending a first violinist to Carnegie Hall before he has learned to play the entire concerto.”

Well, that was nothing less than a virtuoso performance by Barkley.

To those who knocked Carroll’s decision to go with Barkley, I submit that USC also stands for Underestimating Smart Coaching.


Jon White



Whoa! Never have I seen so much made over an average performance! The Big Ten once again proved to be overrated. Can we all get a grip and realize Ohio State is not that good and if not for the interception return by Chris Galippo, we’d be talking the Trojans off the ledge?

Vincent Martinez



One of my greatest desires in life is that my words could actually become bulletin board material. But given that I have a bad back and no connection to sports (other than my USC football season tickets), I can’t see that any team will ever get fired up by what I have to say. Then I realized, maybe my words can actually help the Trojans.

------Cut Here-----

Dear USC Trojans, Please hang on your locker:

*2006 loss to UCLA kept you out of the BCS Championship.

*2007 loss to Stanford kept you out of the BCS Championship.

*2008 loss to Oregon State kept you out of the BCS Championship.

Good luck at Washington today.

Jack Saltzberg

Sherman Oaks
