

I watched the new Jay Leno show [“De-Jay Vu,” by Mary McNamara, Sept. 15] and, frankly, was very surprised at what a dud it was. It is going to have to get a lot better really fast or it won’t last long.

Robert Dean

Thousand Oaks


During the first five minutes of Jay Leno’s Monday night monologue, I laughed out loud more than I’ve done all summer.

Rich Flynn

Huntington Beach


While I did find the new Jay Leno show boring, my bigger issue is that I am tired of watching white guys in suits doing comedy talk shows. Let me count the ways: Leno, Letterman, Conan, Fallon, Kimmel, Ferguson -- and that’s just on network TV! Throw in cable and the list goes on and on.


Give us some variety -- a woman, a Latino, a black guy, an Asian, something else. For all the money that the TV executive geniuses in entertainment make, is there no creativity there anywhere?

Anita Roglich

Santa Monica
